Palucraft (Pty) Ltd respects intellectual property rights and has no interest in infringing the rights created by the Copyright Act or other legal protections. At the same time, Palucraft (Pty) Ltd is dedicated to providing students with a platform for expression, discussion, and sharing of engineering insights into subject matter covered by the Government Certificate of Competency Factories and Mines & Works (henceforth "GCC").
Palucraft (Pty) Ltd's discussions make reference to GCC information, past exam papers, Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHS Act), Mine Health & Safety Act (MHS Act), regulations related to the OHS Act & MHS Act, and standards related to OHS Act & MHS Act. Palucraft (Pty) Ltd makes attribution to this material.
The GCC Factories and the GCC Mines & Works past exam papers can be obtained from the Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) or at their Technical & Vocational Education and Training institutions (TVET). Any reference or sharing of the past exam papers is not meant to infringe any DHET or TVET copyright. It is meant to provide quick access to the past exam papers to GCC Factories and GCC Mines & Works Candidates. The GCC past exam papers are shared as-is and Palucraft (Pty) Ltd does not take any credit, accuracy, or damage that may be caused by the material.
The purpose of the Palucraft (Pty) Ltd website and blog is for discussion and attribution only and is not meant to imply any connection to or affiliation with the Department of Employment & Labour, Department of Mineral Resources, Department of Higher Education & Training, TVET Colleges, Higher Education Institutions, authors/publishers of educational textbooks or source material.
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